Some recipes don't add up with the meal maps!
Why are bananas not allowed on the FMD?
My weight loss is slow on the FMD!
What if I am pregnant or nursing?
Can I have tea instead of coffee?
Where can I find recipes for the Fast Metabolism Diet?
What are some brands recommended by Haylie?
What sprouted-grain bread can I buy?
Which chewing gum can I have?
Can I have flavored water?
Can I do this diet if I am Vegetarian? How about Vegan?
My thyroid has been removed. Can I still do the FMD?
I am diabetic. How can I do this diet?
PCOS / Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
What can I do about constipation?
Why do I feel gassy/bloated?
What does a day in Phase 1 look like?
I am an avid fitness enthusiast! What can I do?
How long should I work out for?
Exercising on Phase 1, 2 and 3.
What does a day in Phase 2 look like?
How can I keep the weight off after the diet?
Will I be able to drink alcohol again?
When can I have coffee?
What does a day in Phase 3 look like?
If you haven't found an answer to your question, please feel free to contact us.